About Us


Finding Courage to Grow and Heal

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

~ E.E. Cummings
Photo of counsellor Mark Walters

Mark Walters

Registered Clinical Counsellor in Abbotsford, BC.

My approach to counselling focusses on how people connect (or disconnect) with themselves and with others. For better or worse, the human path is inherently relational. Relationships can imbue life with meaning, energy, and vitality, or they can leave us feeling trapped, misunderstood, and frustrated.

What we learn in our early relationships continues to influence us (whether we like to admit it or not) below the surface of our awareness. Like underwater currents that continue to direct the flow of our reactions when we are afraid, threatened, or angry, these early learnings push and pull us in ways that we don’t always understand. We end up reacting automatically: shouting, shutting down, frozen in anxiety, biting words.

I work with clients to help them become aware of these currents and learn how to manage them, so that they can choose how they want to respond to the challenges that are a part of all of our lives.


At times all of our lives can feel chaotic and out of control.  Counselling can help us understand familiar patterns and change in meaningful ways.

Healing & Growth

In a culture that values productivity, the parts of ourselves that we most cherish can often get neglected. Counselling can help to recover and nurture the life that wants to live in us. 


In a busy and distracted culture, many of us feel disconnected and lonely.  Through counselling people learn to listen and reconnect with themselves and each other.

Every new stage of growth calls for a letting go of what went before it. And this letting go hurts.